
Cousin Bluebone

$1.29 - $1.29

*** Did you know Cousin Bluebone was the first name that Scott’s former band, Shufly, went by? There’s a little bit of trivia for you! 😉

Buy THE S.S.S. COLLECTION and get these 4 tracks AND 46 others for a total of 50 songs + 2 bonus songs as F.R.E.E. downloads! … Details below the player …


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2 Purchase Options:

1)  THE S.S.S. COLLECTION (50 tracks + 2 bonus F.R.E.E. tracks) … includes these 4 COUSIN BLUEBONE tracks and 46 others. Buy the entire 7-volume collection for just $25 and save $42+ over buying the individual tracks.


The BEST Value! Savings of $42+ = 33 free tracks!

Click here to purchase now!


* OR *

2)  COUSIN BLUEBONE singles (4 tracks)